Keith Neal Retires

From Left: Deputy Chief Kevin Lanier, Lieutenant Wesley Densmore, Battalion Chief Marc Liscio, Battalion Chief Brian Ward, Sergeant Scott Tipton, Fire Apparatus Operator Keith Neal, Firefighter Kollin Morgan, Captain Keith Berryman, Fire Chief Eddie Robinson, and Lieutenant Drew Champion.
FAO Keith Neal

Keith Neal, Fire Apparatus Operator (FAO) with Cherokee County Fire & Emergency Services (CCFES), retires after seventeen years of service to the citizens of Cherokee County.

FAO Neal is a graduate of North Carolina State University and began working with CCFES in 2006 as an Enty-Level Firefighter. After his initial firefighter training, he completed Emergency Medical Technician – Intermediate (EMT-I) training and was soon promoted to Fire Apparatus Operator. His most recent assignment was at Fire Station 15 in the Mica Community where he is working his final shift today, Feb. 28, 2023. 

“Keith has been a great friend and asset to our department for the past seventeen years,” said Fire Chief Eddie Robinson. “He will be greatly missed but I’m very happy for him as he enters this next season of life, retirement.”

Last week FAO Neal was presented with a speaking trumpet from Fire Chief Eddie Robinson. The speaking trumpet is symbol of leadership and tradition in the fire service. In the 18th century, American volunteer firefighting companies would use speaking trumpets to amplify their voices over the noise and commotion on a fire scene while directing the firefighters battling the fire. CCFES commonly presents a speaking trumpet to retirees in honor of their service to the department and the citizens of our community.

Keith has three children, his son Seth, and daughters Ava and Ella. He states that his retirement plans include hiking the Appalachian Trail.

Posted : February 28, 2023

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