Man Rescued from Collapsed Trench


Cherokee County Fire & Emergency Services (CCFES) responded to a person trapped in a trench today around 1:30 p.m on Hilltop Ln near Woodstock. Units from around the county responded to the incident including the CCFES Technical Rescue Team. Upon arrival firefighters found an adult male trapped in a trench and buried up to his neck. Firefighters requested mutual aide from Cobb County Fire & Emergency Services’ trench rescue team while they began to stabilize the area and remove dirt around the patient.

The patient was provided medical care while trapped and monitored until he could be removed completely, which occurred around 3:45 p.m. Once removed, the patient was treated and transported to Wellstar Kennestone Hospital in stable condition.

Firefighters were told that the patient was performing waterproofing work on a residential basement at the time that the incident occurred.  All emergency units have cleared the scene.

Posted : March 04, 2023

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